home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- on startMovie
- global TZwd
- sound stop 2
- cursor([402, 403])
- set the cursor of sprite 22 to [406, 407]
- set the cursor of sprite 20 to [404, 405]
- set the cursor of sprite 14 to [404, 405]
- set the cursor of sprite 3 to [404, 405]
- set the puppet of sprite 3 to 1
- puppetSprite(get_find2HiliteSprite(), 1)
- puppetSprite(get_find2ThumbSprite(), 1)
- set TZwd to "open"
- end
- on keyDown
- if (the keyCode = 76) or (the keyCode = 36) then
- set the castNum of sprite 22 to the number of cast "GO_D"
- updateStage()
- handleGO()
- end if
- end
- on UpdateSelection theText
- global cardlist, find2Links, TotalData
- set find2Links to EMPTY
- put EMPTY into field "currScroll"
- put EMPTY into field "ALL_DATA"
- set save to the itemDelimiter
- set the itemDelimiter to "#"
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in TotalData - 1
- set theWord to item 1 of line i of TotalData
- set theName to item 2 of line i of TotalData
- set TheTitle to getaProp(cardlist, value("#" & theName))
- set pNum to item 3 of line i of TotalData
- set thekind to item 6 of line i of TotalData
- if thekind = "faq" then
- next repeat
- end if
- if thekind = "book" then
- put theWord && "- BookMark" && pNum && "of" && TheTitle into line i of field "ALL_DATA"
- next repeat
- end if
- if thekind = "tip" then
- put theWord && "- Tip" && pNum && "of" && TheTitle into line i of field "ALL_DATA"
- next repeat
- end if
- put theWord && "- Para." && pNum && "of" && TheTitle into line i of field "ALL_DATA"
- end repeat
- set the itemDelimiter to save
- put theText into field "name"
- init()
- end
- on handleGO
- global TotalData
- set theInfo to line get_find2SelectedLine() of TotalData
- set save to the itemDelimiter
- set the itemDelimiter to "#"
- set movieName to item 2 of theInfo
- set toolNum to item 4 of theInfo
- set subNum to item 5 of theInfo
- set screenKind to item 6 of theInfo
- set the itemDelimiter to save
- set_IndexMovie(movieName & ".GEO")
- tell the stage
- SaveSeenScreens()
- end tell
- if screenKind <> "reg" then
- Set_CurrentTool(toolNum)
- Set_ScreenSubject(subNum)
- set theVec to EMPTY
- set theSub to integer(subNum) + 1
- do("put line" && 1 && "of" && "get_ScreensTool" & toolNum & "()" && "into theVec")
- Set_CurrentSnakeScreens(theVec)
- do("put line" && 1 && "of" && "Get_WasInPathTool" & toolNum & "()" && "into theVec")
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of items in theVec
- put value(item i of theVec) into item i of theVec
- end repeat
- Set_SeenINPath(theVec)
- end if
- set the castNum of sprite 22 to the number of cast "GO"
- if screenKind <> "reg" then
- tell the stage
- GoIndexMovie("tool")
- end tell
- else
- tell the stage
- GoIndexMovie("reg")
- end tell
- end if
- end
- on set_IndexMovie theMoov
- global IndexMovie
- set IndexMovie to theMoov
- end
- on Get_IndexMovie theMoov
- global IndexMovie
- return IndexMovie
- end
- on switchButt spriteNum, castDown, macroName
- set flag to 0
- set SaveCast to the castNum of sprite spriteNum
- set flag to swapCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- repeat while the stillDown
- set flag to swapCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- end repeat
- if flag = 1 then
- do(macroName)
- end if
- end
- on swapCast spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown
- if rollOver(spriteNum) then
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast castDown
- updateStage()
- return 1
- else
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast SaveCast
- updateStage()
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on handleExit
- tell the stage
- CloseFind2Window()
- end tell
- end
- on Set_CurrData theField
- global CurrData
- set CurrData to theField
- end
- on Get_CurrData
- global CurrData
- return CurrData
- end
- on Set_ScreenSubject theNum
- global ScreenSubject
- set ScreenSubject to theNum
- end
- on Get_ScreenSubject
- global ScreenSubject
- return ScreenSubject
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool01 theMode
- global ScreensTool01
- set ScreensTool01 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool01
- global ScreensTool01
- return ScreensTool01
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool02 theMode
- global ScreensTool02
- set ScreensTool02 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool02
- global ScreensTool02
- return ScreensTool02
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool03 theMode
- global ScreensTool03
- set ScreensTool03 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool03
- global ScreensTool03
- return ScreensTool03
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool04 theMode
- global ScreensTool04
- set ScreensTool04 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool04
- global ScreensTool04
- return ScreensTool04
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool05 theMode
- global ScreensTool05
- set ScreensTool05 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool05
- global ScreensTool05
- return ScreensTool05
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool06 theMode
- global ScreensTool06
- set ScreensTool06 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool06
- global ScreensTool06
- return ScreensTool06
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool07 theMode
- global ScreensTool07
- set ScreensTool07 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool07
- global ScreensTool07
- return ScreensTool07
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool08 theMode
- global ScreensTool08
- set ScreensTool08 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool08
- global ScreensTool08
- return ScreensTool08
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool09 theMode
- global ScreensTool09
- set ScreensTool09 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool09
- global ScreensTool09
- return ScreensTool09
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool10 theMode
- global ScreensTool10
- set ScreensTool10 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool10
- global ScreensTool10
- return ScreensTool10
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool11 theMode
- global ScreensTool11
- set ScreensTool11 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool11
- global ScreensTool11
- return ScreensTool11
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool12 theMode
- global ScreensTool12
- set ScreensTool12 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool12
- global ScreensTool12
- return ScreensTool12
- end
- on Set_ScreensTool13 theMode
- global ScreensTool13
- set ScreensTool13 to theMode
- end
- on Get_ScreensTool13
- global ScreensTool13
- return ScreensTool13
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool01 theMode
- global WasInPathTool01
- set WasInPathTool01 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool01
- global WasInPathTool01
- return WasInPathTool01
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool02 theMode
- global WasInPathTool02
- set WasInPathTool02 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool02
- global WasInPathTool02
- return WasInPathTool02
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool03 theMode
- global WasInPathTool03
- set WasInPathTool03 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool03
- global WasInPathTool03
- return WasInPathTool03
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool04 theMode
- global WasInPathTool04
- set WasInPathTool04 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool04
- global WasInPathTool04
- return WasInPathTool04
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool05 theMode
- global WasInPathTool05
- set WasInPathTool05 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool05
- global WasInPathTool05
- return WasInPathTool05
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool06 theMode
- global WasInPathTool06
- set WasInPathTool06 to theMode
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool06
- global WasInPathTool06
- return WasInPathTool06
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool07 theMode
- global WasInPathTool07
- set WasInPathTool07 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool07
- global WasInPathTool07
- return WasInPathTool07
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool08 theMode
- global WasInPathTool08
- set WasInPathTool08 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool08
- global WasInPathTool08
- return WasInPathTool08
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool09 theMode
- global WasInPathTool09
- set WasInPathTool09 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool09
- global WasInPathTool09
- return WasInPathTool09
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool10 theMode
- global WasInPathTool10
- set WasInPathTool10 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool10
- global WasInPathTool10
- return WasInPathTool10
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool11 theMode
- global WasInPathTool11
- set WasInPathTool11 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool11
- global WasInPathTool11
- return WasInPathTool11
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool12 theMode
- global WasInPathTool12
- set WasInPathTool12 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool12
- global WasInPathTool12
- return WasInPathTool12
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool13 theMode
- global WasInPathTool13
- set WasInPathTool13 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool13
- global WasInPathTool13
- return WasInPathTool13
- end
- on Set_CurrentTool theMode
- global CurrentTool
- set CurrentTool to theMode
- end
- on Get_CurrentTool
- global CurrentTool
- return CurrentTool
- end
- on Set_CurrentSnakeScreens theMode
- global CurrentSnakeScreens
- set CurrentSnakeScreens to theMode
- end
- on Get_CurrentSnakeScreens
- global CurrentSnakeScreens
- return CurrentSnakeScreens
- end
- on Set_SeenINPath theNum, theItem
- global SEENINPath
- if paramCount() = 2 then
- put theNum into item theItem of SEENINPath
- else
- set SEENINPath to theNum
- end if
- end
- on Get_SeenINPath theItem
- global SEENINPath
- if paramCount() = 1 then
- return item theItem of SEENINPath
- else
- return SEENINPath
- end if
- end